Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hospital for me

Hi All

Some of you may have known I was in hospital for most of this week. For those who didn’t know well you now you do. I had a ‘000’ moment by myself at home on Monday and got to ride in an ambulance to the QEII hospital. I had a fever, low blood pressure and huge lumps on the right side of my neck that were so painful I thought I was going to pass out. I realised I must have been pretty sick when I was taken in straightaway to a cubicle on my own even though people were lined up in the halls. I saw a doctor very quickly considering how busy they were, I heard that not long after I arrived they had a “bypass’ placed on the emergency room and no more patients could be transported there.

It was also quickly discovered that I couldn’t be treated at QEII as they don’t have an Ear, Nose and Throat department so I was put on a drip and transported to the Mater Hospital where I was placed directly into a ward. I was seen by the head ENT Registrar within a coupe of hours. I had / have Quinsy (no idea how to spell it) it is basically tonsillitis gone wrong. Instead of the infection staying in the tonsils it didn’t like it there so went to visit my lymph nodes and decided that was a nicer place to be. I was placed on IV antibiotics and IV penicillin and some pretty strong pain killers. I spent 4 days and 3 nights, during this time I was only seen by the registrar and I saw her twice a day. The nurses said she normally doesn’t see people as often unless they are really sick, I have to say that made me feel better because I thought I was very sick but I am not a good sick person!

Anyway I wasn’t allowed to come home until I had 24 hours of no fever which finally occurred Thursday. So home I went at 1pm! I have been staying at mums since though as I don’t feel well enough to look after myself yet I am home for a few hours tonight and I will see how I feel. I am not sure when I will be back at work I am being reviewed on Thursday next week they may still decide to operate to reduce one the lumps that hasn’t gone down at all.

I want to thank Tina for keeping me sane and calling me twice a day to let me know what was going on in the world and for making me laugh. LOVE YOU!

Also I would like to thank my work collegues who sent me the nicest flower box and to Peggy for also sending me an absolutley lovely flower box. THANKS!

I wil be lying low for a the next few days to try and get as much rest as I can I am so tired.

I will cath up with everyone soon.



Michelle Jamieson said...

Hope you are feeling a little better!!

Chelle XX

Julie said...

OMG how scary! Glad to hear you are doing ok now and hope all settles so you don't require surgery. Take care :O)

scrapwitch said...

wow ,,that no good at all lexie..i do hope you are well on the mend!healing energy coming your way babe